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How is Ellipsis Education Curriculum different from finding free lessons or building lessons myself?

Computer science curriculum from Ellipsis Education is a natural next step for schools who have used free or self-built lessons.

Ellipsis Education Curriculum ensures a continuous skills progression for K-12 students. The curriculum offers grade level differentiated learning pathways, aligns with state and national computer science standards, and is continually updated to reflect changes in computer science. This is not always the case with free or self-built lessons.

Free lessons are a fantastic way to begin exploring computer science in your classroom. There are many resources available and they do not require much preparation from educators looking to implement them. Free lessons do not always provide fidelity of instruction or a plan for scaffolding curriculum from year to year. Ellipsis Education Computer Science Curriculum provides those additional benefits and is a logical next step for teachers who need advanced courses, additional lesson hours, and expanded topics for students’ computer science education.

Educators often build their own lessons, this is another great way to begin bringing computer science into the classroom. These lessons target the specific needs and technology availability of an educator’s classroom in mind. Self-built lessons require educators to be experienced with computer science, and because technology changes frequently, these lessons must be updated regularly to stay relevant. Ellipsis Education Computer Science Curriculum is written with step-by-step procedures, sequential action steps, and instructions for teachers to follow, all to ensure that educators of all CS experience levels are confident in teaching the course work. All Ellipsis Education courses are continually updated to reflect changes in computer science, removing the need for educators to rewrite lesson plans on their own. 


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